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About us

About us

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Our mission to extend World Class healthcare solutions to the community through advances in medical technology and by adopting best man management practices J.B Multispeciality Hospital has launched its newly built hospital in Panchamahal District, Gujarat. The facility is among Panchamahal District largest private hospitals.

J.B Multispeciality Hospital is a 110 bed Super speciality medical institution. This world class & highly sophisticated medical establishment offers all major medical specialities, subspecialities, investigation & diagnostics facility, rehabilitation & physical therapy care under one roof. Hospital’s design ensures higher energy efficiency by allowing greater permeation of sun light throughout the day and harnessing solar energy for hot water provisioning throughout the hospital complex.

Please be reminded that at J.B HOSPITAL, we are committed to Spreading Smiles, along with our quality of personalized care our pricing too shall bring smiles at J.B Multispeciality Hospital we are committed to LIFE.

We at J.B Multispeciality Hospital are committed to excellence and quality with an established focus on the well-being of our patients. We provide the right mix of cutting edge technology, warmth and compassionate care. Backed by the best team of medical professionals and procedures, we offer the best in private healthcare in a very cost effective way.

We provide the highest standard of clinical skills and nursing care across an extensive range of specialities and attract world-class doctors and surgeons from leading hospitals.

Delivering an array of medical services, we offer in-patient, out-patient, day care treatment, surgery, emergency and trauma care in the finest surroundings. Whats more, these services can be provided as a part of your own private health insurance scheme or Mukhyamantri amrutam yojna(MA) or RSBY yojna.or self finance as the case may be
We believe that focusing on the comfort of our patients helps in their recovery. We cater to individual tastes and requirements to ensure that patients feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible during their stay.

We bring you details about our facilities and the extensive range of medical specialities available at J.B Multispeciality Hospital.

About Hospital

J.B MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL is a 110 bed Super speciality medical institution. This world class & highly sophisticated medical establishment offers all major medical specialities, subspecialities, investigation & diagnostics facility, rehabilitation & physical therapy care under one roof.

Get in Touch

J.B.Multispeciality Hospital

At & Po: Aniyad, Ta: Shahera

Dist: Panchmahal,Gujarat,India-389210


©2025 J.B.Multispeciality Hospital. All Rights Reserved. Designed By Bhavin Patel
